Sunday, August 12, 2007

The power of the mind

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

I love this passage, it is a powerful passage, and can be the basis for dozens of sermons, blogs, and/or devotionals.

As you might guess, I want to look at an often times more controversial side of this passage--the power of the mind.

Romans 12:2 clearly talks about the importance of thoughts. The Apostle Paul, spent a lot of time on the power and influence of the human mind. The mind is the basis of the will. Paul (and King David in the OT) is insistent that our minds dwell on God. If our mind is on God, and our mind is the basis of our will, then our will will be God's will.

To help me with this I found a secular source far better than any I found in the "Bible Bookstore" circles. The book that I found and strongly recommend to you is Jeff Olson's The Slight Edge.

In that book, we find steps to help with focusing our mind, in turn our will; at the root our philosophy. Mr. Olson stresses the importance of what Steve Covey calls: "Integrity in the moment of decision." The idea is that the cumulative effect of the small decisions is far greater than the major decisions we so often fret about.

I challenge you to read Jeff Olson's book is, apply his steps to your Walk With Christ. Of course, you can (should) apply this to every area of your life. Then again, your Walk should cover every aspect and area of your life.

Jeff Olson's background is network marketing (fancy name for MLM). The Slight Edge is aimed at helping build yourself and your business, but its techniques could be applied to so many things. I would love to hear from you about how these techniques could be applied to Evangelism.

Always remember 'Whose you are and at what cost'